資料來源:2012-4-13 文:李東
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學習心路歷程感悟 |
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學習心路歷程感悟 |
1 |
Less is more 以少取勝 |
13 |
You can be original and empowered at the same time. 兼具原創與賦能 |
2 |
Everyone’s gonna start from somewhere 總得從某處開始 |
14 |
Don’t judge too soon. 勿遽下論斷 |
3 |
Now or Never 當下決行 |
15 |
Self-reliance. 自食其力 |
4 |
Face the reality. 面對現實 |
16 |
Seek for optimal solution 尋求上策 |
5 |
Nothing could be perfect 不強求完美 |
17 |
Respect others’ time. 尊重他人時間 |
6 |
Down to the earth. 謙虛務實 |
18 |
Treat yourself well 善待自己 |
7 |
Learning is everywhere 隨處學習 |
19 |
Be flexible. 彈性應變 |
8 |
Don’t do lousy jobs. 勿做卑劣事 |
20 |
Empathy. 同理體會 |
9 |
Be professional. 務求專精 |
21 |
Hold on to your bottom line 堅守底線 |
10 |
Everything comes with a price 一切都有代價 |
22 |
Keep going,don’t settle. 奮進不懈 |
11 |
Be cool with praise. 看淡讚揚 |
23 |
Don’t repeat your mistake 勿重覆犯錯 |
12 |
Stay true to yourself. 保持真我 |
24 |
If you don’t try,you can’t fail 不嘗試焉得成敗 |
資料來源:2012-4-13 文:李東
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學習心路歷程感悟 |
項 |
學習心路歷程感悟 |
1 |
Less is more 以少取勝 |
13 |
You can be original and empowered at the same time. 兼具原創與賦能 |
2 |
Everyone’s gonna start from somewhere 總得從某處開始 |
14 |
Don’t judge too soon. 勿遽下論斷 |
3 |
Now or Never 當下決行 |
15 |
Self-reliance. 自食其力 |
4 |
Face the reality. 面對現實 |
16 |
Seek for optimal solution 尋求上策 |
5 |
Nothing could be perfect 不強求完美 |
17 |
Respect others’ time. 尊重他人時間 |
6 |
Down to the earth. 謙 務實 |
18 |
Treat yourself well 善待自己 |
7 |
Learning is everywhere 隨處學習 |
19 |
Be flexible. 彈性應變 |
8 |
Don’t do lousy jobs. 勿做卑劣事 |
20 |
Empathy. 同理體會 |
9 |
Be professional. 務求專精 |
21 |
Hold on to your bottom line 堅守底線 |
10 |
Everything comes with a price 一切都有代價 |
22 |
Keep going,don’t settle. 奮進不懈 |
11 |
Be cool with praise. 看淡讚揚 |
23 |
Don’t repeat your mistake 勿重覆犯錯 |
12 |
Stay true to yourself. 保持真我 |
24 |
If you don’t try,you can’t fail 不嘗試焉得成敗 |